Monday, November 28, 2011

Iway - Proposed changes to city streets

RIDOT and the City of Providence have been working together to make a plan for the areas downtown once the old I-195 corridor is demolished. With the input from the public the DOT has come up with a nice layout for the post demolish areas.

Iway New Street Pattern Overview
Demolition of the old highway is wrapping up now and reconstruction of city streets a few were bisected by the construction of the original highway and will take place in 2012.

The following are pictures of the design maps presented at the public meetings and text from their website..

Wickenden Street/East Side Plans

Most recently, RIDOT has selected Alternative 2 among three proposed alternatives for reconfiguration of Wickenden and South Main Streets near the old highway. Revisions to the original proposal include:

•Reduce the number of lanes on the South Main Street (I-195 west-Exit 2 Off-ramp) approach from 4 to 3 lanes.

•Eliminate the channelized right turn lanes from Point Street (east) to South Water Street (south) near Corliss Landing.

•Reduce the width of the median on Wickenden Street to 12± feet. Providing a median on Wickenden Street is the best way to enhance pedestrian safety. The median will provide refuge for pedestrians who do not, or cannot cross the entire width of the street in one phase of the signal sequence. The median will be landscaped and will provide an aesthetically pleasing separation to opposing traffic.

•Eliminate the eastbound left turn lane on Wickenden Street to South Main Street (north).

•Open Benefit Street south of Wickenden Street to one-way southbound through traffic.

•Provide bump-outs at the intersections to enhance pedestrian safety by reducing the crossing distances.

•Route the shared-use path along the southerly sidewalk of Wickenden Street rather than in the median.

The following are RIDOT's thoughts regarding suggestions raised during the public process that are not being adopted:

Intersection at South Main Street and Pike Street:

The volume of traffic using the off-ramp to South Main Street (Exit 2) is significant. The traffic flow will be continuous in the morning rush hour.

Attempting to provide a safe pedestrian or vehicle crossing of South Main Street at this location would require a traffic signal.

There is not enough distance between the end of the interstate off-ramp and the intersection to allow drivers coming off the ramp to perceive a signal and react to it.

There is concern that a signal at this location would cause traffic to stop on the off-ramp and create congestion on the interstate. This will conflict with many of the improvements being realized with the Iway project. Moreover, having vehicles stopped beyond the off-ramp and on the interstate would expose them to rear-end crashes.

Left turn from westbound Wickenden Street to South Water Street (south):

Significant congestion would likely be caused on South Water Street, Point Street and Wickenden Street through Fox Point if this left turn is allowed. The current intersection configuration has three lanes in the westbound approach and a by-pass right turn lane in the eastbound direction. These will be eliminated with the redesigned alternative (Alternative 2).

The proposed alternate route for traffic destined to South Water Street (via South Main Street and Dollar Street) is only two-tenths of a mile, less than a one minute drive. This time and distance is insignificant considering the average trip for vehicles passing through this intersection.

Left turn from India Street (north) to Point Street westbound and pedestrian/bicycle crossing at India Street:

There is not adequate sight distance because of the vertical crest and horizontal curve caused by the Point St. Bridge to make a safe left turn out of India Street. Most vehicles exiting the India Point Park and waterfront area can conveniently use the new South Main St., which is signalized at Wickenden St.

Crossing Point Street would not be safe for pedestrians because the crest on the Point Street Bridge does not give drivers or pedestrians adequate sight distance.

West Side Plan Changes

Revisions to plans for areas west of the Providence River along the old highway corridor include:

•Elimination of proposed Eddy Street between Ship Street and Clifford Street.

•Accommodations for bicycles on all the new sections of streets.

•A mid-block pedestrian crossing across Dyer Street between Ship and Dorrance Streets to provide access between the new park and the Downtown and Jewelry Districts.

•Eddy Street will be three lanes wide with bike lanes in each direction. Dyer Street will be three lanes with bike and parking lanes in each direction.

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