Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bridge Inspection Catch up

The past week or so I've been busy out in the field with inspections so I'll try to post a few quickies.

Last week I was out in Sharon inspecting two plate girder bridges which span over I-95. The bridges consist of three simple spans with seven (7) plate girders. The spans over I-95 were inspected Tuesday and Wednesday nights with a 30 ft bucket truck with traffic control and two Mass State Troopers.

This was my first MassDOT inspection since they added a new shielding item. Accounting for the new item didn't take that much longer and will be helpful for the state in the future. The bridge had expanded metal deck shielding over I-95 to prevent falling debris from hitting the roadway or travelers.

Monday (day) we headed back down to Sharon to inspect the tops of the two bridges and take some typical photos in the day light.