Monday, June 20, 2011

Fracture Critical Bridge Inspections

So after a couple buys months of design work, I'm back on inspections.

While I was in the office, a few others were out in the field complete fracture critical inspection which were held up with paper work discrepancies between RIDOT and AMTRAK.

Right now I'm trying to do my best to help complete a few of the reports. The reports end up being slightly easier than a routine or inventory inspection since they focus on only the fracture critical elements of the bridge.
A fracture-critical bridge is one that does not contain redundant supporting elements. This means that if those key supports fail, the bridge would be in danger of collapse. This does not mean the bridge is inherently unsafe, only that there is a lack of redundancy in its design. -From AASHTO
Fracture critical members a usually defined by having an AASHTO fatigue detail or category which is greater than C (A being low and E being high risk).

Typically bridges such as steel trusses, thru girders and steel pier bents contain fatigue details which are greater than a C.

Bridge  1

  Bridge 2  

 Bridge 3  
 Bridge 4  

Bridge 5 

Bridge 6 
Bridge 7 
Bridge 8