Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hybrid Steel Girder Ratings

Its been almost four months since my last rating for MassDOT and I could not have asked for an easier way to get back on the horse than a hybrid steel girder. A hybrid steel girder is simply a girder which contains different grades of steel in the flanges and web. Typically a hybrid steel girder consists of a high strength steel (HSS) for the flanges and a lower grade for the web.
This will be my second go around rating a hybrid girder bridge and this time it I have a pair of simple span bridges with a minor skew. The bridges are almost cookie cut having the same span length, girder spacing and skew.
Along with rating the girders, the reinforced concrete deck must also be rated. The deck is 8.5" thick with a girder spacing of 8'-9". 
Over the next couple of months I will be working on these off and on and will try to give updates along the way.

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